Red Silk Tree Media – SEDA / Fability Entrepreneur Seminar 25 March 2015 The SEDA Disabled Entrepreneurs Seminar 2015 event today in Cape Town at Brideways, Ratanga Junction was phenomenal!!!!! Bernadette Rigney, founder and director of Fability: Lifestyle Guide just WOWED me with her in-depth knowledge of policies and legislation around disabilities! To all my [;.]
Glamorous 27 Celebrities and Change Agents – Our World Photoshoot – 24 October 2014 The Our World Photoshoot brought 27 South African Celebrities and Change Agents together in a photographic extravaganza that took place on 24th of October 2014, at the Joburg Theatre in Braamfontein. Cavall Burgess: Radio Host of the Radio Today show, “Welcome to MY [;.]
Drive and Thrive Annual Expo 2014 The Disability Drive and Thrive Interactive Exhibition is the event where ideas are shared, products are showcased, vehicles are test driven, wheelchairs are left standing empty while the users are having fun, the impossible seems to happen and loads of fun is had by all! It will change your [;.]